BeamReach & Beyond Podcast

Great minds think differently.
Welcome to BeamReach & Beyond, the podcast that aims to burst the corporate DEI bubble, embrace interdisciplinary thinking & learn from other industries.
From fashion to healthcare, AI to performing arts, digital transformation to the music industry, we will learn from everyone, aiming to understand how inclusion & diversity is all around us, reflecting our society & making our experiences as humans more colourful.
Let us help you prioritize the topics and find the best way to go forward. When it comes to Diversity and Inclusion there is no ‘one size fits all’ and each organisation, industry has its own needs, specifics and expectations.

BeamReach & Beyond: Great minds think differently or what to expect from BeamReach & Beyond podcast

Welcome to BeamReach & Beyond, the podcast that aims to burst the corporate DEI bubble, embrace interdisciplinary thinking & learn from other industries.From fashion to healthcare, AI to performing arts, digital transformation to the music industry, we will learn from everyone, aiming to understand how inclusion & diversity is all around us, reflecting our society & making our experiences as humans more colourful.


If I can travel safely here, I can travel anywhere - Exploring Inclusivity and diversity in the travel industry

Welcome to our very first episode of BeamReach and Beyond. This episode is dedicated to the Travel and Hospitality industry. And joining us today are Rosina Budhani with Hospitality & Diversity, Uwern Jong with OutThere, and  Alexandra Vukolova, Aviation industry expert, who will share their views and experience.

In this episode, we discuss why there is such an urgent need to disrupt the industry, how can cultural intelligence boost your employees performance and engagement, why did the feeling of being ´hospitable´ disappeared from hospitality, how pandemic pushed airlines to innovate & adopt more technology, how can travel companies enhance the experience for women, members of LGBT community and people with disabilities, and many other topics.


Benefits of Education and Health promotion through the lens of inclusion for both health practitioners and patients

Welcome to our second episode of BeamReach and Beyond. Join us as we explore the Healthcare industry and its relevance to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. And joining us today is the brilliant Ricky Somal, who is a Deputy Director of Organisational Development at Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust, who will share his rich experience of working in healthcare for more than 15 years.

In this episode, we discuss the benefits of education and health promotion through the lens of inclusion for both health practitioners and patients; the impact of ageing population on long-term health conditions, how ethnic background might impact your genetic predisposition, and the importance of having a representative workforce that reflects a local population.


Best practices of Inclusive learning and teaching in Higher Education & the dangers of DEI policing

Welcome to our third episode of BeamReach and Beyond. This episode is dedicated to Higher Education. And joining us today are Eileen Petzold-Bradley from Nova Southeastern University, Stephan Schmuck from ESCP and Charlotte Stewart Buckinghamshire New University, who will share their rich experience of working in higher education across the US, Germany and UK.

In this episode, we discuss how expectations from students to have diverse representation in classroom adds pressure on universities to embrace DEI, how political environment affects funding in universities and impacts curriculum; the danger of policing Diversity and Inclusion language, the consequences of the cancel culture, the insights of disability inclusion in education, and finally, best inclusive practices that can help us bring out the best in our students.


Digital Transformation as a tool for shaping an Inclusive Society

Welcome to our fourth episode of BeamReach and Beyond. This episode is dedicated to Digital Transformation & Inclusive Society.  And joining us today are Elizabeth Kiehner from Nortal , Wail Daoud from enpact and Hatem Abuelezz from Creativa Innovation Hub - Mansoura , who will share their rich experience of working in digital transformation from all over the world.

Today we will tackle the following questions: Who holds responsibility when developing technology that affects the wider community? Private companies developing the technology? Governments required to control it? `Non profits´ who need to monitor? How to eliminate fear and boost societal readiness in the adoption of a new technology? How can design thnking help you put the user in the centre and answer `what´s in it for me?´ question? What is the role of privilege in digital transformation and how it might exclude vulnerable groups from benefits of the technology for example migrants, refugees, elderly population, people with disabilities and other groups?


Equity, representation & cultural appropriation in the Fashion industry: the good, the bad, and the ugly

Welcome to our fifth and last episode of Season 1 of BeamReach and Beyond. This episode is dedicated to the Fashion industry.And joining us today are Elena Fadul with Inca Noir, Theona Ioana Sarateanu with Teluric and Nadine Schratzberger  with Montreet, who will share their rich experience of working in fashion across Finland/Colombia, Germany, Austria, and Romania.

In this episode, we discuss cultural appropriation in fashion, overview of the upcoming laws and directives in the European Union aimed to have more transparency in the supply chain; a comparison of skills and value of artisan craft in Europe and the Global South; as well as the importance of ownership and being a responsible consumer; the danger of fast fashion and how it impacts equal pay and resource distribution. And finally, we give an overview of some companies to follow that are dedicated to inclusive, fair and equal practices.